'I could have had ten children'- supermom Faith Kipyegon on the key virtue she has learnt to embrace that has impacted her motherhood

'I could have had ten children'- supermom Faith Kipyegon on the key virtue she has learnt to embrace that has impacted her motherhood

Stephen Awino 10:00 - 19.12.2024

Olympic champion Faith Kipyegon has picked up traits throughout her illustrious career that transcends the track into her personal life and motherhood journey.

Three-time Olympic champion Faith Kipyegon has opened up about how her experiences on the track have shaped her approach to motherhood and life.

The world champion, affectionately referred to as a "supermom," has demonstrated that determination, discipline, and patience can transcend sports and profoundly impact personal life.

Kipyegon’s journey has been nothing short of extraordinary. In 2017, she became the first Kenyan woman to win the 1500m at the World Championships.

The following year, she took a break from athletics to embrace motherhood, welcoming her daughter, Alyn, in June 2018. The delivery, which required an emergency Caesarean section, marked a pivotal moment in her life.

Like many athletes who step away from competition, Kipyegon faced moments of doubt. Yet, her resilience shone through when she made a triumphant return to the track, clinching a silver medal at the 2019 World Championships.

In a candid reflection recently on the Engage Talk, Kipyegon highlighted how key attributes honed through athletics have influenced her role as a mother.

"Well I can say what differentiates me is discipline I think if I was not disciplined since I was a young girl I could have ended up having five children or ten so I think discipline has drive me to where I am today," she said.

She emphasized that patience, a quality crucial in training and setting records, also plays a vital role in her parenting journey.

"Being patient is the most important thing. Like you know the records you saw last year and this year I have been like being patient about it and just training for it, working hard for it and being disciplined. I just focus on myself to one goal which which is what I want to achieve."

Kipyegon’s recent performances are a testament to her philosophy with blistering performances in 2024 and 2023.

For Kipyegon, the lessons from the track extend beyond her athletic career, transcending into her personal life and motherhood journey.