Nigeria likely not to have its flag hoisted at Paris Olympics as WADA's sanctions reach deadline day

Ese Brume

Nigeria likely not to have its flag hoisted at Paris Olympics as WADA's sanctions reach deadline day

Funmilayo Fameso 15:52 - 08.12.2023

Severe sanctions are awaiting Nigerian sports by World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) as Nigeria fails to comply with anti-doping rules.

Nigeria will likely not have its flag flown at the Paris 2024 Olympics and other global competitions as the awaiting sanctions by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) have reached the deadline day.

WADA gave the West African nation until December 8 to abide by the World Anti-Doping Code or risk the impending consequences for failure to comply with its rules.

It is not the first time the country has faced threats from WADA, as it is the second time in four years they have threatened to sanction Nigeria for its carelessness in handling anti-doping issues. But with it re-surfacing, the sanctions may be carried out this time.

In a letter by WADA to the Nigeria Anti-Doping Organization (NADO), the consequences were stated, which include Nigeria's flag will not be hoisted at regional, continental, Olympics, and Paralympic Games until the reinstations conditions are met.

Tobi Amusan is Nigeria's first World Record (WR) and athletics World outdoor champion | Photo Credit: Imago

Also, Nigeria will not host major regional, continental, and international championships and Games.

Here's a screenshot of the letter sent by WADA.

Letter sent by WADA

Nigeria's Issues with WADA

  • Failure to implement the WADA code and UNESCO convention against doping for over a decade after signing up for it.
  • Failure to set up an Independent Anti-Doping Organization
  • Failure to set up an Anti-Doping Laboratory