Ten expert tips to conquer the Tusker Lite Mt Rwenzori Marathon

The Tusker Lite Rwenzori Marathon returns September, 2.

ATHLETICS Ten expert tips to conquer the Tusker Lite Mt Rwenzori Marathon

Moses King 17:31 - 25.07.2023

The Tusker Lite Mt Rwenzori Marathon is just around the corner, and runners from all over the world are gearing up to conquer this exciting event on September 2 in Kasese town.

Whether you're a seasoned marathoner or a first-time participant, proper preparation is key to ensuring an enjoyable and successful race day.

To help you make the most of this unforgettable experience, we've gathered some expert tips to guide your training and preparation from Janet Nakkazi, a seasoned marathon runner and Director of Studies for the Twitter Running School.

Start Training Early

A participant in a previous edition of the Marathon

Preparation for a marathon requires consistent training over an extended period, at least 12 weeks to the event. 

If you haven't already started, lace up your running shoes and begin your training program with the few weeks left to the marathon. 

Gradually build up your mileage, allowing your body to adapt and reduce the risk of injury.

Mix Up Your Runs

Incorporate various types of runs into your training routine. Include long runs to build endurance, speed workouts to improve your pace, and recovery runs to allow your body to recuperate. 

Cross-training activities like cycling or swimming can also help strengthen different muscle groups and prevent overuse injuries.

Familiarize Yourself with the marathon race distances

Despite being based in Kasese, the official marathon routes are already confirmed, however, participants should make sure to study the distances and make deliberate decisions on which race to train for.

The Mt Rwenzori picturesque view awaits participants

 Familiarizing yourself with the distance and taking a look at the map route will mentally prepare you for the challenges and pace yourself.

Hydration and Nutrition

Proper hydration and nutrition are essential for marathon success. Practice fuelling during your long training runs to find the right combination of food and hydration that works best for you. 

On race day, stick to familiar foods and stay hydrated throughout the event.

Experts advise participants to try out their new gear ahead of tthe marathon

Gear Check:

Don't wait until race day to try out new gear. Ensure your running shoes are broken in, and your clothing is comfortable for long-distance running.

Avoid wearing anything new or untested to prevent discomfort and potential chafing during the race.

Rest and Recovery

Training for a marathon can be physically demanding. Make sure to incorporate rest days into your schedule to allow your body to recover and prevent burnout.

Listen to your body, and don't push through pain or injuries during training.

Mental Preparation

Marathons are as much a mental challenge as they are physical. Visualize yourself crossing the finish line and stay positive during training and the race itself.

A strong and focused mindset will help you conquer any obstacles that come your way.

Participate in Fun Run

The 5km fun run is an excellent opportunity for beginners and less experienced runners to be a part of this remarkable event. 

Participate in the fun run to soak in the scenic beauty of Kasese while enjoying a less demanding run.

Learn from Experienced Runners

Connect with experienced marathoners or join a local running group. Learning from those who have conquered marathons before can provide valuable insights and tips to enhance your preparation and performance.

Enjoy the Experience

Most importantly, savour the journey!

 The Tusker Lite Mt Rwenzori Marathon offers a unique opportunity to run amidst the stunning landscapes of Kasese. 

Embrace the atmosphere, soak in the beauty, and celebrate your achievements with fellow runners, participants, friends and family.

Nakkazi also adds that a successful marathon preparation involves discipline, dedication, and a positive attitude.

“As you lace up your running shoes and head to the Tusker Lite Rwenzori Marathon, trust in your training, enjoy the adventure, and take pleasure in the moments that will create lasting memories,” she said.
