Tobi Amusan: From battling depression to World Record Holder

Tobi Amusan lit up the faces of many Nigerians after she won the 100m Hurdle at the World Championships in 2022 |Photo Credit: Imago

Tobi Amusan: From battling depression to World Record Holder

Asukwo Oduo 10:58 - 09.12.2023

Tobi Amusan is one Nigerian athlete who has risen through several challenges to etch her name in the history books.

It’s over a year since Tobi Amusan took the world by storm, setting a new world record for the 100m hurdle at the World Athletics Championship in Oregon.

The 26-year-old broke the previous 12.20s record, setting a new 12.2s during her semi-final run at the Championship. She also went on to win gold in a time of 12.06s but this wasn’t ratified because of the too much tailwind.

Tobi Amusan battled depression

Interestingly, having failed to make a podium finish at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, coupled with the disappointment at the 2019 World Championships, Tobi Amusan battled depression.

While preparing for subsequent events, her fear of finishing fourth again despite putting in all the work troubled her, and she was also wondering what if.

During an exclusive interview with, Tobi Amusan opened up on her fears and how she almost gave up on athletics.

“Two Olympics, and three World Championships, every year we put in the work and it’s always a fourth-place finish or semi-finals,” she said. “So, every Championship year I had like trauma- what if I come in fourth place again?”

“Last year I almost gave up on track. I came back from the Olympics, and I went straight into depression mode for weeks,” she said.

Unknown but determined to excel

Tobi Amusan lit up the faces of many Nigerians after she won the 100m Hurdle at the World Championships in 2022 |
Tobi Amusan lit up the faces of many Nigerians after she won the 100m Hurdle at the World Championships in 2022 |Photo Credit: Imago.

Before Tobi Amusan became the face of Nigerian athletics and a global icon, she was relatively unknown, but her resolve to get to the very top remained unflinching.

In November 2016, during the days of her humble beginnings, Tobi Amusan tweeted that although she is unknown at that moment, she would persist until she succeeds and become unforgettable.

True to her words, the Ogun state-born hurdler did just, although it took her six solid years of hard work, sweat, and blood. She did get to the top!

Another trophy after AIU troubles

Back in July, the Athletics Integrity Unit (AIU) provisionally suspended Tobi Amusan for allegedly missing three whereabouts tests.

However, Tobi Amusan denied the allegations, and after a tribunal absolved her of any wrongdoing, she was cleared to participate at the World Championships in Budapest just a few days before the event.

Unfortunately, the off-field incidents affected the Nigerian, and she could only muster a sixth-place finish at the final of the 100m hurdle -missing out on defending her title. 

Tobi Amusan had another opportunity to redeem herself, and she took it with both hands. The Nigerian returned to the podium, winning the Diamond League trophy.

The 26-year-old clocked a  season-best time of 12.33s to win the Diamond League trophy a third consecutive time, joining America's Dawn Harper-Nelson, who won the prestigious title between 2012-2014. 

Final Thoughts

AIU has dragged Tobi Amusan to the Court of Arbitration of Sports (CAS) after a disciplinary tribunal cleared the Nigerian hurdler.

Amusan is a cat with nine lives, and it’s expected that she will come out of this stronger and put in an outstanding performance at 2024 Paris Olympics.   
