Brian Birgen recounts his Ulinzi Stars debut match nine years ago under Matano

©Ulinzi Stars

FOOTBALL Brian Birgen recounts his Ulinzi Stars debut match nine years ago under Matano

Festus Chuma 16:59 - 03.08.2023

Defender Brian Birgen recounts his defining moment on the pitch and winning over doubters.

Ulinzi Stars assistant captain Brian Birgen has finally broken his silence on the tumultuous events that preceded his debut in the then Kenyan Premier League, now known as the Football Kenya Federation Premier League (FKFPL), nine years ago.

The 29-year-old has revealed that some were vehemently against former head coach Robert Matano's decision to field him, but Birgen's tenacity and talent silenced the doubters and earned him a place in the hearts of fans and critics alike.

In a social media post, Birgen revealed that the decision to field him was met with skepticism and opposition from certain quarters.

"June 6th, 2014, I made my debut in the then KPL. Against the will of some people, coach Matano gave me a chance to play against a strong Ingwe side. I played a clean game, and since that day, those who didn't want me on the field became my fans," he tweeted.

Birgen's meteoric rise to success did not come without its share of hurdles as in the earlier stages of his Ulinzi Stars career, he featured as an offensive midfielder.

However, the turning point in his career came when he made the bold decision to transition into a fullback, a position that allowed him to shine and fully utilize his skills.

Embracing the responsibilities of a fullback, Birgen honed his defensive prowess while maintaining an innate ability to support the team's attacks when needed.

Over the years, Birgen's contributions on the pitch have been nothing short of exemplary.

His dedication to the game, unwavering work ethic, and commitment to Ulinzi Stars have earned him immense respect from both teammates and fans alike.

As a long-serving player, Birgen has become a source of inspiration for aspiring young footballers across Kenya.