FIFA recovered over $200 million stolen during Sepp Blatter's reign

FIFA President Gianni Infantino | FIFA Image

FOOTBALL FIFA recovered over $200 million stolen during Sepp Blatter's reign

Fred Mwambu 17:26 - 16.03.2023

FIFA has confirmed that the Department of Justice of the United States of America has repatriated over $200 million (about UGX750 billion) stolen during Sepp Blatter's time.

During the most significant corruption scandal that hit FIFA in May 2015, a number of its top officials, excluding Blatter, were arrested by America's investigative organ FBI on charges of corruption and bribery.

Several media reports indicated that hundreds of millions of dollars were seized by the bureau.

Infantino confirmed to the FIFA Congress held in Rwanda on Thursday that the bureau started releasing part of that money last year and was channelled back into development projects.

He revealed that while explaining the tough financial control mechanisms that the body has set in place, that, he says, earned them trust.

"We put in place strong financial control systems. That is why money doesn't get lost any more days," he revealed before adding.

"That's also why the sponsors, broadcasters and institutions have regained their trust in FIFA."

Infatino also noted: "And not only them, for example, but the Department of Justice of the United States of America has also given us more than $200 million back that corrupt officials of FIFA stole."

"We got the money and re-invested in football. They wouldn't have returned us if they didn't trust us."

"The political institution also trusts us, and for the second time, I have been invited to the G20 summit to give a speech about the importance of football."

Infantino was re-elected as the president of FIFA for a second term after standing unopposed during the 73rd Congress in Kigali on Thursday.
