Hussein Mohammed doubles down on his message of accountability & good governance in Kenyan football

Hussein Mohammed doubles down on his message of accountability & good governance in Kenyan football

Joel Omotto 14:35 - 01.05.2024

Extreme Sports CEO Hussein Mohammed maintains that good governance and accountability is the only way to lift the standards on Kenyan football.

In the midst of a tumultuous period for football management in Kenya, Extreme Sports CEO Hussein Mohammed has called for good governance within the sport.

With the Football Kenya Federation (FKF) embroiled in legal disputes and facing leadership transitions, Mohammed has continued his calls for transparency and accountability within the football community.

The recent court ruling temporarily barring FKF from proceeding with its Annual General Meeting (AGM), coupled with FIFA's warning against third-party interference, left football stakeholders in limbo as far as the upcoming election is concerned.

While incumbent Nick Mwendwa has not declared whether he will contest another term amidst a warning from the government that he is not eligible to run, as the Sports Act 2013, Mohammed is among those believed to be in the race to succeed him.

Others who have thrown their hats into the ring include former FKF boss Sam Nyamweya, ex-international Sammy 'Kempes' Owino, and Gor Mahia CEO Sammy Ocholla, signalling a potentially transformative period for Kenyan football administration.

Hussein’s bid has, however, faced a number of obstacles so far such as being blocked from attending the FKF AGM before it was halted by a Mombasa court after the federation said he was not eligible to represent Premier League Murang’a Seal.

He has, however, stayed resolute in his calls for accountability and good governance which he believes is the only solution to changing the fortunes of Kenyan football.

“You should always uphold dictates of accountability, integrity and good governance at every leadership space,” Mohammed said during the Donholm Seniors Football Club awards gala where best performing players were celebrated for winning the Wazee Pamoja League for the second year running.
