Jinja City Council slaps Busoga United with hefty Kakindu Stadium fee

Busoga United will have to pay USD 4k to utilise the Kakindu stadium for the 2023/24 season | Photo Credit: Courtesy

FOOTBALL Jinja City Council slaps Busoga United with hefty Kakindu Stadium fee

Shafic Kiyaga 19:02 - 22.07.2023

Busoga United FC faces a steep UGX 15 million bill from the Jinja City Council for the use of Kakindu Stadium for the upcoming 2023/24 Uganda Premier League (UPL) season.

This hefty demand is in addition to several conditions laid out by the council, according to a letter from the Management Committee of the stadium dated July 20, 2023.

The letter stated, “You will pay UGX one million for each match played at the facility to Jinja City Southern Division Collection Account after registering with E-Log-Revenue Registration Centre at the Division.”

Last season, Busoga United collected UGX 56 million in gate collections, with an average of 900 spectators attending their games at Kakindu.

The stadium, rich in history and strategically located, is an iconic venue for the club.

However, the City Council's demand could potentially increase the club's costs, especially if Busoga United hosts other competitions such as the League Cup at Kakindu.

The council has also urged the club to take pre-emptive steps to avoid falling into arrears.

The letter further stated, “For avoidance of defaulting and accumulating arrears, the City Council demands that Busoga deposits a postdated Cheque for at least six matches in advance as a commitment to pay promptly.”

Concerns around safety and maintaining order during matches were addressed.

The council requiring that “You are required to get clearance from Police for each match to avoid violent scenes and destruction of property,”

The club also shoulders the responsibility for any damage caused during matches.

“You shall be responsible for any injury to any person or damage caused during the matches at the facility,” the letter stipulated.

The council demanded a thorough schedule of the upcoming season from Busoga United for “proper planning and scheduling usage of the facility.”

The responsibility for maintenance of the facility also falls on the team, as per the city council. Non-compliance with these conditions might lead to the council revoking the permission.