Let's talk in front of cameras — Ferdinand calls out John Terry over alleged racism incident

Anton Ferdinand calls out John Terry || Image credit: Imago

Let's talk in front of cameras — Ferdinand calls out John Terry over alleged racism incident

Faruq Ibrahim 22:21 - 01.05.2024

Former QPR defender Anton Ferdinand has responded after John Terry accused him and his family of snubbing him.

In response to recent comments made by John Terry regarding an alleged racism incident in 2011, Anton Ferdinand has expressed his desire to engage in a dialogue with the former Chelsea captain to address the matter.

Alleged Racism Incident

The incident in question occurred during a match between Queens Park Rangers (QPR) and Chelsea in 2011, where Terry was accused of racially abusing Ferdinand. 

Although Terry was cleared of the charges in court, the Football Association imposed a four-game ban and a £220,000 ($275,000) fine on him.

Terry's Remarks

On a podcast hosted by Simon Jordan, Terry claimed that he attempted to reach out to the Ferdinand family the night after the incident but was rebuffed, leading to his "disappointment." 

23/10/2011 of Chelsea captain John Terry (centre right) covering his mouth after speaking with QPR s Anton Ferdinand (centre left) during the Barclays Premier League match at Loftus Road, London || Image credit: Imago
23/10/2011 of Chelsea captain John Terry (centre right) covering his mouth after speaking with QPR s Anton Ferdinand (centre left) during the Barclays Premier League match at Loftus Road, London || Image credit: Imago

Terry's comments reignited the conversation surrounding the alleged racism incident and sparked a response from Anton Ferdinand.

Ferdinand's Invitation

Speaking on FiveUK, Ferdinand revealed that he had invited Terry to participate in his BBC documentary, 'Football, Racism and Me', to address the issue and create positive change, but that the Chelsea legend reviews. 

The former QPR star is keeping the line open and has extended an invitation to Terry to discuss the incident. 

Ferdinand stated, "If you really want to make positive change, I'll sit down with you, with live cameras rolling so there's nowhere for us to hide." He emphasised his willingness to engage in a transparent conversation to address the matter.

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