Manchester United faces probe by Trafford council over raw chicken incident at Old Trafford

Manchester United under investigation over raw chicken incident || Credit: Imago

Manchester United faces probe by Trafford council over raw chicken incident at Old Trafford

Stephen Oladehinde 20:04 - 01.12.2023

In a recent development that has stunned both football fans and residents, Manchester United is under scrutiny by the Trafford Council following a string of complaints from individuals claiming they fell ill after consuming undercooked chicken at an event hosted at Old Trafford.

How it all happened

Manchester United, one of the world's most renowned football clubs, are currently under investigation by the Trafford Council following reports that several attendees fell ill after consuming raw chicken at an event held at Old Trafford. 

This incident has raised significant health concerns and questions about the food safety standards at the club's prestigious venue.

The issue came to light after attendees of the event reported symptoms consistent with food poisoning. Preliminary investigations suggest that the cause may have been undercooked chicken served during the event. 

The council has launched a comprehensive investigation to determine the extent of the health risk and to identify any lapses in food handling and safety protocols.

Manchester United Football Club || Credit: Imago
Manchester United Football Club || Credit: Imago

Manchester United Faces Probe by Trafford Council

According to a report from ManUtdMania on X, "Manchester United are under investigation by Trafford Council after several people alleged they became unwell after being served raw chicken at an Old Trafford event."

Trafford Council’s spokesperson stated that the health and safety of visitors and staff at public events are of utmost importance. 

They assured that thorough inquiries and appropriate actions would be taken based on the findings of the investigation. 

This includes examining the food preparation, storage, and serving procedures at Old Trafford to prevent future incidents.

Manchester United has responded to these allegations with a commitment to cooperate fully with the council’s investigation. 

The club emphasized its dedication to adhering to the highest standards of food safety and expressed concern for those affected by the incident. They have also initiated an internal review to complement the council's investigation.

Manchester United under Investigation

Manchester United fans and the general public are eagerly awaiting the results of the investigation, which will determine the future course of action to improve food safety standards at the club's events. 

The outcome of this probe could have significant implications for how food safety is managed in large sporting venues across the country.