Only two clubs meet FUFA Big League licensing requirements

Kitara players celebrate winning the FUFA Big League trophy|David Ajuna image

FOOTBALL Only two clubs meet FUFA Big League licensing requirements

Moses King 07:31 - 28.07.2023

Only two out of 16 clubs have met the FUFA Big League licensing requirements for the 2023/24 season, the Federation of Uganda Football Association has revealed.

FUFA set the deadline of July 24 in April, requiring clubs to submit at least 18 approved players, among other minimum requirements.

In a communique released on July 26, only Jinja North United and Lugazi Football Club satisfied the licensing requirements for the new season.

“Lugazi FC and Jinja North FC have met all the minimum club licensing requirements and therefore qualify to get a license to participate in the FUFA Big League,” part of the document reads.

“The other thirteen have failed to meet the deadline of July 24 2023, to submit the minimum requirements and having at least 18 players approved on the FUFA Connect System have been fined Shs1,500,000 per club.”

The FUFA Club Licensing Committee has thus extended the deadline to August 4 and also paid Shs1.5m fine.

The situation has been the same for clubs in the top-flight league, as only KCCA FC met the minimum requirements per the last FUFA communication. The rest of the 15 clubs were slapped with a Shs2m fine.
