Bukedea rally postponed to April

Mubiru Duncan 'Kikankane' is expected to renew rivalry with Yasin Nasser and Ronald Ssebuguzi when the Visit Bukedea rally revs off eventually in April | Courtesy photo

MOTORSPORT Bukedea rally postponed to April

Shafic Kiyaga 20:13 - 03.03.2023

The Bukedea Rally had been previously penned for March 10-12, but will now take place at the end of the month between March 31-April 2.

Next Week’s Visit Bukedea Rally, the second of the National Rally Championship, has been postponed, organisers have confirmed.

According to Eastern Motor Club (EMC), the organizing club of the rally, the event will be pushed back for three weeks to allow for thorough preparations and aid the organisers in holding a smooth rally.

The Bukedea Rally had been previously penned for March 10-12, but will now take place at the end of the month between March 31-April 2.

EMC chairman Kees Kagolo explained that the decision to postpone the rally was ‘a difficult one to take’, but was necessary if the club was to hold a successful event.

“I want to convey a special message that we have decided to postpone the rally from March 10-12, and shall push it back for three weeks,” Kagolo said during a press conference in Busabala.

“So, you can mark your calendars; the new dates will be March 31- April 2,” he added.

“It was a difficult decision for us to take, however, due to unavoidable circumstances, we requested that the event be moved to those dates in order to enable us run a successful event.”

“We are hoping to have a two-day rally, it shall be based in Bukedea only, and we do not expect it to cover any area beyond its borders,” Kagolo expounded.

According to information privy to Pulse Sports, EMC was forced to ask for a postponement of the rally due to logistical challenges.

Sources intimate that EMC werwast to finalise a sponsorship deal with the event’s headline sponsors, and while conversations with potential sponsors were at advanced, the remaining days did not facilitate for business to be concluded.

Should the event go ahead as planned in Bukedea, it will be the first time a national motorsport event is held in the district, which according to the organisers goes a long way in acquiring new territory for the sport.

EMC has also confirmed Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities to be held hand in hand with motor racing, among which include medical clinics in the district.

“As Eastern Motor Club, we want to spread motorsport and take the experience to different parts of Eastern Uganda, and that is why we decided to take the rally further east to Bukedea,” Kagolo explained.

“We are looking at having a very good event not only covering rally but also carrying out other corporate social responsibility projects.”

“We have earmarked the health centres in Bukedea to work with, where we shall be accomplishing things like medical clinics, and supply goods to the health centres and the patients as well,” he stated.

Up to 19 crews had entered the rally, with the deadline for registration expected to lapse on Saturday, March 4.

Among them was National Rally Championship leader Yasin Nasser, with Ronald Ssebuguzi who sits second and Duncan Mubiru ‘Kikankane’ who is third also entering the event.