Uganda hosting Africa Netball Cup is an eye-opener – Babirye Kityo

Uganda hosting Africa Netball Cup is an eye-opener – Babirye Kityo

Moses King 11:59 - 08.04.2023

Uganda Netball Federation president Babirye Kityo Sarah has expressed readiness to host the 2023 Africa Netball Cup following confirmation of Uganda's hosting rights.

In a letter dated April 5, Africa Netball confirmed that Uganda will host the 2023 Africa Netball Cup, which debuts the Africa Men's Netball Cup, for the first time in history.

"Africa Netball is pleased to give Uganda Netball Federation the hosting rights upon confirmation that all the hosting requirements will be in place before and during the tournament to allow the smooth running of both competitions,” part of the letter read.

Netball federation boss Babirye Kityo is delighted to host Africa Netball Cup

Babirye describes the responsibility as an eye-opener to better the sports affairs in the country.

"We are very ready to host the Africa championship for both men and women,” she said before adding.

"This is an eye-opener to all districts and local organisers that wherever there's netball for ladies, please also promote netball for men because this national team cannot be here forever. At one time, they will age, and we shall have to recruit young boys.”

Babirye is confident that several good facilities are fit to host the tournament as the federation focuses on its long-term goal of having its own home.

“We have been having challenges (of facilities). Yes, we don’t have a home, but we launched a campaign to secure a home.”

“We hope this will be a very good lesson. We have good courts at our disposal. Makerere University offered us their court. We have Nakirebe. There are several courts,” she added.

Babirye added: “Officials will come from World Netball and Africa Netball to join us, and we officiate the courts, and we shall inform the public which courts will be used, and we shall invite them to come and watch the games”.

“We are going to table about five courts for their consideration.”

The last time Uganda hosted the Africa Netball Cup in 2017, the She Cranes were crowned champions.
