NOC-K joins forces with ADAK to fight doping ahead of 2024 Olympics

© Capital Sport

GENERAL NOC-K joins forces with ADAK to fight doping ahead of 2024 Olympics

Abigael Wafula 07:39 - 15.07.2023

Kenya's Olympic Committee has employed a multisectoral approach to tighten the noose around drug cheats ahead of next year's Games in Paris.

The National Olympic Committee of Kenya has joined forces with the Anti-Doping Agency of Kenya, the Ministry of Sports and Athletics Kenya in the fight against the doping menace in the country that has seen a huge number of great athletes lose their careers.

NOC-K Secretary General Francis Mutuku revealed that they are collaborating with ADAK to make sure they spread the message as far as they can go.

He revealed that with the Youth Commonwealth Games just in sight, they hold seminars and invite ADAK officials to talk to the youngsters against the menace since they are the future of the sport.

“We are strongly supporting our ministry in terms of ensuring we support clean sports in the country. We always ensure that our athletes are tested and get their results before they travel," said Mutuku.

"We have been running youth training camps for the last four years and we ensure that we invite ADAK officials to talk to the youngsters. We want them to be aware before they become too big to listen to advice."

He added that in every other forum they get to interact with athletes, they always invite ADAK to speak to the athletes.

He revealed that as they head to the Paris Olympics in 2024, they hope all the athletes who will be announced will have adhered to the World Anti-Doping Agency rules and they will be able to push the message of clean sports.

“As we announce our squad to the Olympics in 2024, we want people who will also spread the message on clean sport. We want to announce champions who know the importance of competing clean,” he said.